problem with email - yahoo error 004

I am having the hardest time checking my email with yahoo. I get the 004 error code and it shows I have mail out there but I can't access...or I get the launchcurlerror-28 code. I have heard to try using the old email way but I have no clue what that means. I just want to check emails. Can anyone help?

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Re: problem with email


According to Yahoo Help this is the cause for Yahoo Error 004

Internal error. The domain name is not a recognized domain name. Error: System Unavailable (004)

When a yahoo member refers to the "old way" they are talking about Yahoo Classic. If you are using the new Yahoo Mail and want to try the classic "old" version you can use this link to switch back to classic Yahoo Mail. I refer to the old in quotes because many parts of the new yahoo mail link back into the old version.

We also have a Yahoo help guide that can help fix many problems related to Yahoo mail.

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