Timed sending of emails

John A

New Email
My wife is an artist and has about 700 (opt in) people on her mailing list. My provider has a limit of 100 addresses per email and 500 addresses per hour for spam control. We send a group email less than once a month so don't want to use an email marketer. I run Thunderbird. Is there any solution either in or outside of Thunderbird that will allow me to have a single group list and time the release of emails to conform to the providers restrictions. Right now I limit each list to <100 and send each list manually, holding the last 2 lists for an hour before sending.

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Hi John,

Get MailChimp. It's free for your level of sending and should also result in more of your address list receiving the emails vs. bcc'ing through an ISP outgoing mail server.