Questionable mailing list subscription practices

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
This morning I received a LinkedIn request from someone who works at a college I attended.

I didn't know the person, but accepted since I figure there is nothing wrong with some local networking.

A few minutes later I got a spam about donating money to the university programs.

At least when I contacted the newsletter service it seemed to agree it was spam:

Would you report your former university and try to educate the newsletter sender or ignore it and move on?

I reported it as spam when unsubscribing. To me, accepting a LinkedIn request is -not- a newsletter opt-in.


Customer Service
I HATE spam and I would report it. I would probably contact them directly and give them an earful also.


New Email
An email list is the most important factor that affects most to email marketing results. You are required to increase your email list to enhance your customer base. To build a high converting email list you must follow double opt-in procedure.