moving folders of saved emails


New Email
I am currently with they use Smart zone for email. I will be moving soon & plan to switch to AT&T DLS as my internet provider I think they use yahoo for email. My question is how do I move all those folders that are full of all my important saved emails there are at least 10 of them. And when I cancel my comcast I'm sure I won't be able to access my email account anymore. What should I do?
for your help!

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member

I think your best bet will be to download the emails from comcast into a program on your computer. Move all of your email into your comcast inbox. Then configure a program such as Mozilla Thunderbird to access the comcast email as a pop3 account. The incoming server name is and the port is 110.

If you get the Yahoo account before you lose access to the Comcast account you can try forwarding all of the email in batches to your new Yahoo based ATT account and sorting it into the folders structure you'd like as they arrive.

A third option, and probably your best long term bet, would be to open a Gmail account and forward all of your email there. You should be able to forward most email accounts there and Gmail can use POP3/IMAP to access the rest. It will help you to avoid problems like moving from Comcast to ATT the next time you need to switch internet providers.

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