mail server blacklisted


Valued Member
I got an email from my host saying one of my web sites was sending spam.. we are now blacklisted… what do i do?

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
First you'll need to fix the source of the problem and make sure the spam doesn't restart. Make sure your server updates are done, and probably more importantly make sure any 3rd party applications such as Wordpress and it's plugins, drupal, phpmyadmin, etc are all updated. Check your apache logs for lots of POST lines, sometimes that will help you find the problem. Then wait until Monday for the spam reports to stop, they'll keep coming in over the weekend as people check their email and report the spams that had been sent. Then after the spam reports stop it should be safe to request delisting from blacklists as needed. It's best if you can be sure you found the source of the problem and have fixed it before submitting the delisting requests.

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
What is the exact error message? If it's only a couple clients i'd expect broken smtp-auth from the upgrades, or a bounce message back after sending related to last weeks spamming.


Valued Member failed after I sent the message.
Remote host said: 554 Denied
[] (Mode: normal)

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Yes, that's the mxlogic mail scrubbing service blocking you as a spam source
Nothing on your server needs to be fixed if the source of the spam is fixed. You only need to do the delistings, and maybe send in an abuse ticket to a couple places such as mxlogic if they don't detect the problem is fixed in their own. A blacklist check of your IP at MX Toolbox looks good, and your sender score looks good too: