How to install add-ons in Thunderbird ?


New Email
Happy New Year everybody!

I have been using Thunderbird for a number years but I can't make heads or tails of this current problem.
In the past, a selected add-on would be downloaded and integrated to Thunderbird smoothly after a restart.
Today, the only choice I'm given is the standard Windows download box with the usual 2 options, i.e opening the file or saving it!
I don't understand what has happened. Can you help me, please? Thank you.

Best wishes,



Valued Member
Hi, Boyard

I think most of the add-ons I have in my own TB installation had to be done by downloading and installing separately. Only ccasionally, will one install immediately and be fully operative after a re-start. So, I can't speak for why the difference or why you only noticed this today.

In any case, if you're offered the download window you referred to:

1) click to 'save' and save the file to the desktop for most convenience.
2) in TB, open settings > add-ons.
3) look for a gear icon along the top right of the page. Click it and select "install add-on from file."
4) select the desktop file you just downloaded and click 'ok.'
5) when the 'install now' button shows ready, click it
6) when installation is done, restart

You should be good to go.

Hope this helps!