Death Match: FB vs. Gmail

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Any facebook email would just be another junk email account. I would not use Facebook email for anything that matters. Facebook simply can't be trusted. They are more than happy to sell information about you. Maybe I would change my primary Facebook login to a Facebook email address so when they sell my email address it's the Facebook and not my Gmail. It sounds like Facebook might be offering pop3 access so the Facebook email account could be automatically checked by a Gmail account.

Big Dan

EQ Forum Moderator
I'm with Ray. Unless they offer features like IMAP access I'll never take it seriously. As it is now I get annoyed that I have to sign in to FB when people message me there. I really cannot stand when any site (even forums with PMs) fight with my email as my 1 to 1 communications platform. I have Gmail setup just the way I like and am like a ninja with the keyboard shortcuts.. I don't need another rudimentary email system.

Myspace started offering email addresses a couple of years ago. It seemed like a desperate attempt to capture an audience and keep people coming back to the site. If Facebook does roll out email I do hope they do what MySpace and automatically make your user name your email address..because I don't want to have to fight with other Dan Hutters for


Valued Member
I agree with you both regarding FB's untrustworthiness (if that's a word). And FB was specifically mentioned as being vulnerable to the Firesheep extension that's been in the news the past few weeks. If they're lax on security and never took the concerns of that article seriously, their "Titan" email project is doomed before it gets off the ground.

Anyway, just because the more cautious of us will avoid the service doesn't mean that it won't get a lot of use from the much-younger-than-I set, which thrives on those sites. And I imagine many of those individuals have free Gmail accounts (and/or Yahoo and/or Hotmail). So, they may be the ones whose possible defection will threaten -- at least temporarily -- Gmail's numbers. I guess that's the "Gmail Killing" that FB envisions.

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
I don't think the existence of any one new service is a real threat to existing email services.

The people stuck on Yahoo and Hotmail seem to stay because that's the one email address they've always had. Some of them are teens/tweens. Some of the reason is because at least Yahoo had parental email address controls over the kids accounts. Getting hacked is just part of life for them. "S***, I got hacked, don't click the links in my emails!" you'll often see beamed out from their Twitter accounts.

I landed on Gmail becuase it was easy to consolidate and manage my email from there. With forwards and Gmail's ability to check other addresses it made sense for me to move to Gmail.

I don't think there is going to be any death match. Sure, there will be some noise in the media for a while but after that facebook email will be nothing more than just another email account.


Valued Member
I don't think there is going to be any death match. Sure, there will be some noise in the media for a while but after that facebook email will be nothing more than just another email account.

You may be right ! I really should have entitled my original post to suggest more uncertainty. Well, I did change it to a question.

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
I don't see any mail, pop, smtp, imap, or webmail records in DNS yet.

I wonder if this will only be a webmail like interface from within Facebook with no external pop3/imap access?