Can't fully load website on email


There is a website that I go to that sends me emails. Recently when I receive the emails I can open them but the attachments will not appear. I have an IMAC and tried to open it with using Safari, and Google Chrome. I have a computer with Windows 7 and have tried using Outlook, Gmail, and Google Chrome. I have a computer with Windows 10 and have tried using the same servers. I have a IPhone 4 and I am able to open it on that and see everything.


New Email
2018 Experiencing the same problem. Verizon iphone caller sends MMS/text message to Gmail. Using my browser & Gmail I see the sender's address: ( with a completely blank message, plus a simple attached-text-file. Opening that attachment shows the senders message as typed. No pictures, Nothing else.
Problem: To make matters worse, I use THUNDERBIRD email client via Now I see the sender's address, date sent, and zero attachments.

Looks like Verizon assumes??? to use MMS format to send ( vrs Maybe Gmail has correctly sorted it out as attachments, but forgets to imap the attachments?
Maybe Tbird drops imap attachments? In researching this mess, I also learn that Verizon TEXT messages work using the cell network and/or WiFi, but...
Verizon MMS messages work using the cell network ONLY.

This is getting complicated. I think theres too many cooks in the kitchen !!!