EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member

YPOPs! is a great piece of free software that is used to allow your windows desktop email program to access a free Yahoo mail account.

Installing YPOPs! is easy. Download YPOPs and follow the installation program instructions.

The configuration of YPOPs is easy. The defaults are OK for most people. You may want to change the Receiving Email options and configure YPOPs to mark messages as unread in your Yahoo mail account.

Documentation are support are not required. This is a small program that acts as a middle man between a mail cprogram on your computer such as Microsoft Outlook and the Yahoo mail servers. As I mentioned above the configuration of YPOPs is easy but if you do have any questions please feel free to ask them in our Yahoo Mail Help Forum.

Quality and features are also rated a 10. The program works and does everything that it claims it will do.

Are you worried about the price of such a great program? No need for cocnern, it's free!

Overall this is likely to be one of my most positive reviews. YPOPs is a small program that is easy to install and provides a great service, and all for the best possible price, free!

To configure a pop3 client on your computer to access a free Yahoo Mail account please see the following guide:

How to configure Microsoft Outlook to use YPOPs for checking a free Yahoo Mail account.

If you have questions about Yahoo Mail please visit our Yahoo Mail Support Forum.

If you have questions about Microsoft Outlook please visit our Microsoft Outlook Support Forum.

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member

When this review was written, in 2008, this was the best information at the time and a way that worked for some users to get POP3 access to their Yahoo Mail accounts. With the recent changes and problems with Yahoo Mail I noticed this review was getting some increased traffic and wanted to take a moment and point out that the review is now outdated. I do not recommend installing the YPOPS software. Yahoo Mail has both POP3 and IMAP available for free Yahoo Mail accounts. Please take a few minutes to review all of the following resources before deciding which option is best for you.

If you need help with using the new Yahoo Mail please see our support forum for Yahoo Mail - Help, Tips, and Problem Troubleshooting.

IMAP access: Yahoo Mail IMAP mail server settings.

POP3 Access: Yahoo Mail POP3 mail server settings.