I recieved several e-mails from someone which contained a link to craigslist, however upon review through source code commands I did not feel the link was original. I would like to know if the computer used to write the documents' IP address can be used to find the owner or operator of the computer it was sent from. All reply e-mails never reached the party ie.. Not a member, or some such reply from yahoo or aol. Attatched is the source code from the sender, what can I do to track the author.:mad: Sincerely, Daniel F. Feldman


  • email-html.txt
    4 KB · Views: 1,244

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Hi Daniel,

The email originated from the IP address

The IP Address has the reverse DNS of mobile-3G-dyn-BU-80-70.zappmobile.ro.

The county code RO is Romania

The information above, the fact that you were not expecting the emails, along with the rest of the contacts of the attachment guarantee you are receiving phishing scams. Also please be careful since there are several craigslist variations in the email for example craigsliste instead of craigslist designed to trick you into thinking it is a legitimate email. Do not reply to the email. Report it as Junk/Spam/Phishing.

If you want to go one step further you can submit an abuse report with the headers you posted to the ISP that provides the spammers internet connection. Zappa Mobile does not have a properly identified abuse contact in their whois data but you can try abuse@zappamobile.ro.

:welcome: to Email Questions!