Vivaldi Mail launches its version 1.0, an alternative to Gmail.


New Email
Today Vivaldi released Vivaldi Mail 1.0, a complete in-browser suite that includes an integrated email manager, calendar and feeds so you can break any kind of algorithm and always find out what matters to you.

Now surf the web, exchange emails, subscribe to feeds and manage your daily to-do lists easily, all from the comfort of your favorite browser.

Plus, you can combine all your email accounts and manage them easily from a single client, Vivaldi Mail, all for free.

You can find out more about it at

Do you use it, did you know Vivaldi, what other email do you use? I'd love to discuss.


New Email
Vivaldi Mail is a feature offered by the Vivaldi web browser, which aims to provide a complete in-browser suite including an integrated email manager, calendar, and feeds. It allows users to surf the web, exchange emails, subscribe to feeds, and manage to-do lists within the browser interface. It also offers the ability to combine multiple email accounts and manage them from a single client.

Vivaldi Mail's integration with the Vivaldi browser provides a convenient all-in-one solution for those who prefer to manage their email and other tasks within their browser environment. However, it's worth noting that personal preferences for email clients can vary greatly among individuals based on their specific needs and preferences.