SpamRefuse for qmail

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
I use simscan for handing my smtp-time spam scanning, but the following alternative appears to also be an option:

SpamRefuse is a patch to netqmail with SpamAssassin to allow it to refuse spammy messages at SMTP-time without requiring additionalpackages.

See the web page for full details, but in brief you specify a maximum SpamAssassin score that's acceptable, with anything over this being refused at SMTP-time. The score you specify is independent of SpamAssassin's required_score, although there's nothing to stop you setting these to the same value if you wish. By default messages for postmaster@any.domain bypass SpamRefuse.

Andrew Richards: spamrefuse

SpamRefuse requires the qmail-errmsg logging patch :

Andrew Richards: qmail-errmsg