Sent messages being blocked


New Email
554 5.7.1 [P4] Message blocked due to spam content in the message.
This is the message I get when sending to a specific address of an email provider (CenturyTel - This problem just started a few days ago. I get it if I send one message or to a group with same email provider.

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Do the emails have any links or attachments in them?

Try removing all links and attachments to see if that's the problem.

If not, it might be the domain name of your email address.

Can you copy & paste the complete bounce message if you still can't send with no links and attachments?


New Email
On Monday, November 24, 2014 4:56 PM, "" <> wrote:

THis is the line when I forward the blocked message back to me. THe emails have no attachments. I have used these email addresses for years with no problems.