outlook question - display name


New Email

i have a question i need answered

lets say you type in this address, jsmith@test.com send your email and done

when Test replies i see

From: Me [mailto:me@mail.com]
Sent: Fri4/7/2001 5:09 PM
To: Smith John

now i only typed in his address, why is it when he replies it shows is display name.

and how can i make it for if people email me it says it would go to my display name and not the raw address


EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Re: outlook question


Outlook will display the real name if it knows it from previous emails back and forth or from the contact being in your address book.

If this is the first conversation with the contact then the contact also probably has their name as part of their replies to you.



New Email
Re: outlook question


well that might be it but i'm not sure thats it

cause i use an email for a local tv station webstaff@xxxx.com and it says it goes to Webstaff not webstaff@xxxx.com

so is there anyway for if people email me on my site it would say to support or weather not just the address

also i think its something with a x-display name? idk

sorry if ur confused, hope my info helps

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Re: outlook question

Would it be possible for you to post the full email headers for one of the emails?

This will help us to identify what the differences are and where they are happening between the email messages themselves and what the email program are displaying.

It may even be the way the alias/forward is entered into the email server that is doing the email forwarding.



New Email
Re: outlook question

sure, i have taken out the first name of my contacts for identity protection

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EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Re: outlook question

I think I misunderstood the original post yesterday.

You sent an email. They replied. In the reply, you see their real name in the original email information?

If this is the case it is their email program that knows their real name and make the conversion when they replied to your email.

Does this answer make more sense now?



New Email
Re: outlook question

Hey all
now i'm using a new contact from on my website

now it has the feature i want, i made the email like this

Recipients Emails Weather<Weather@jordans-weathercenter.net> and so when i get the email it only says to Weather :)

now, if people type in the address from their like lets say gmail, it will only say to Weather@jordans-weathercenter.net

Now, how can i make it so it will say when people manually email me to just Weather


EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Hi Jordan,

I believe what you are asking for circles back around to this discussion about display names.

What information do you have about yourself in your address book?



New Email

yes i apologize, please delete that thread

ok,let me explain what exactly it is i want to acomplish

person emails my gmail or whatever,they type in person@gmail.com and it comes to me

when i recieve the email i want it to automatically say to: Jordan not anything else

like as of right now it only says to me@gmail.com and in my outlook for my website it only says to email@mywebsite.com

like i emailed a buddy at a localradio station

i never emailed him but i did today, sent it and when it came back in his reply it said to: Mikey and I dont have him as a contact.

so does this explain what i want?>

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Hi jordan,

Yukon is going to try answering this too in case I am missing something.

If I am following this correctly Mikey's email client made the translation from email address to real name for you.

If you want your Outlook to say Jordan when someone sends an email via the web site you need a second address book entry for yourself giving a display name of Jordan for email@mywebsite.com

The only time I see an email address in the From: (for example in my junk email) or To: in the reading pane is when the information was not provided by the sender or the information is not in my contacts.

Is it possible for you to take a screen shot and circle what you want to be different and attach that in the next reply? To make a screen shot get the email on your screen, click the print screen key on your keyboard, open paint, edit -> paste, draw a circle, save a jpg, and attach it to the post.

A second problem we are wondering about is if you have your Real Name set correctly in your email so that other people see your name and then you see that too in their replies.

BTW, we are talking about Microsoft Outlook and not Outlook Express, right?

If you make a screen shot I think that will resolve any problems with us apparently missing what exactly you are trying to fix.

:thanks: -Raymond


Valued Member
also please provide us with version numbers of the outlook (or other clients) you are working with.

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Is this the problem? (from post#5)

To: "'me@jordans-weathercenter.net'"

Does your web form need real name information where you have To: "'me@jordans-weathercenter.net'" ?



New Email
HI guys

attached are the photos of before and after, notice the email address is typed only in my email and when he got it or replied his "display name" takes place, also iam using thunderbird....i did use outlook for a while and still do...Microsoft outlook...not express


  • before.jpg
    28.1 KB · Views: 1,301
  • after.jpg
    33.7 KB · Views: 1,267

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
If I am following this correctly Mikey's email client made the translation from email address to real name for you.

This is the answer that matches what you are seeing.

Mike's email program knows Mikey's real name.

When he replied it used his name when making the original comments for the reply.

Does everything make sense now?



New Email
how could i make it that my email knows my real name? bc whenever i reply it just keeps in the original email my address, like is there something detailed i need to make or something in outlook ect



Big Dan

EQ Forum Moderator
So long as you have your name entered in Google Account Settings: https://www.google.com/accounts/EditUserInfo?hl=en&service=mail Gmail 'sends' your name in the from field of the email It should say something like "Jimmy Johnson" <jimmyjohnson@gmail.com> in the header. What your or your friend's mail program does with the name in header is dependent on the program and it's settings. Some people specifically strip 'friendly names' so that they can see the originating email address. Your address book typically overrides this so if I have Jane Johnson as the contact name for jimmyjohnson@gmail.com the mail program will display Jane Johnson instead of what is actually in the header.

Many email programs also automatically add the addresses of people you reply to in their address book. It is possible that you or your friend replied to an email and never entered a name in the collected addresses (I believe this is the term Thunderbird uses) the email address will just display as the address book overrides the headers.

Lastly if your running domain email through Gmail the outgoing senders name is controlled in Settings > Accounts and Import > Edit Info.

Hope it helps,


New Email
well.....hmm.....idk, ahha

here is a good example, I sent an email to a friend...dmorrison@example.com, he was on his blackberry and replied and when i received it it was in my previous email Morrison, Dave, now, he is not at work and his blackberry did this

it has something to do with how his work set up his email

like if you emailed me at my site, Jordan@jordans-weathercenter.net, you would see to Jordan@jordans-weathercenter.net

also i have let say my friend Julie B as Julie B in my contacts...she replied it said in my previous email not to: Julie B but to B, Julie