Looking for tool to send automatically emails from file in outbox folders

Diego Balgera

New Email

my need is: I use to send invoices and others docs to a number of companies and I use to store all the files in outbox folders, then I scan all this outboxes to send their content with my email client manually. This is quite time consuming because the number of files and destinations is quite big.

Can you please help me to find a tool to automate this task?
I.e.: looking for a tool that periodically detects the presence of a file in an outbox folder and sends automatically an email attaching that file. The destination, subject and text can ideally can be taken from the tool's configuration.

Are you aware of the existence of a tool to satisfy such need?
Thank you in advance!


IMAP Tools
Diego, I doubt you will find an off-the-shelf tool to do this. I have a similar tool (I am an IMAP developer) but it would require modifications to do what you want.