Is it possible to send an email from somebody elses email address?


New Email
I have received a copy of an email that was forwarded to me. The person that it shows it originally came from stated she didn't write it. Is it possible for someone to write an email and have it say it is coming from someone else's email address? If so how difficult is this to do.

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member

Forging the From: of an email is easy to do. This is one of the many reasons why it is to easy for spammers to create and send spam. To track down the true source of the email you will need to look at the full email headers. Please feel free to copy and paste them into a reply to this discussion if you need any help reading the full email headers. At the very least we should be able to let you know if the path the message took and the From: make any sense, and with the help of the originating ISP they may even be able to suspect the account where it was sent from if it is indeed a forgery / spam mail. BTW, if you were physically threatened and truly believe you are in any danger please also give the information to your local police department.



New Email
The email that I received had been forwarded a few times before it got to me. I am having trouble finding the properties. Microsoft Outlook - I open the email and select file, but the only tab at the top of the popup window is general (Not Details). Am I doing something wrong? Here is the From address in question.

From: Tina Jackson <>
Subject: Star Chamber President
To: "Julia Fenwick" <>
Date: Sunday, January 25, 2009, 3:22 PM
Thanks for your help.

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member

Once the email has been forwarded you can no longer see the original email headers.

The person who forwarded the email could have created or changed anything in the forwarded email quite easily.

It may not even be a forward!
