in Ymail home button points to wrong url


New Email
in Y!mail both classic and new my home button points to but my location is in eu and changing it does not change home button content. Also on mail logout it sends me to ... how to change that to default ? thanks...


New Email
no, my ip address belongs to my country...some 20 years ago yahoo mail was not allowing pop3 mail download and there was a tool to download mails, yahoopops, but it had to be so everybody changed to sg, that was possible and ever since i belong there and do not know how to get back to eu

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
I'm not detected in the wrong geo so I don't have a way to test this, but if you login to Yahoo from your phone using these directions does that help to fix your detected geo-location on other devices such as PC too?



New Email
becouse of unknown reason, geolocation is correct, yahoo knows my correct position but somewhere it is still written to direct me to for home button and mail logout, my general yahoo accout logs out correctly.