Hotmail Review


New Email
I know hotmail is widely used across the globe.

because of its ability to access it from anywhere with an internet connection and its simple 5-10 minute set up.

also a great aspect of it is that it is free and who doesn't love a freebie.

I feel hotmail is probaly the best user friendly as you have to have almost no knowledge of how to use and email to send them

you can send an email in a few click
i would rate it overall at a 9

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member

Do you rate Hotmail over other free webmail providers such as Gmail and Yahoo Mail?

Specifically, why or why don't you rate Hotmail better than some of the other "big guys"?

Which features do like best about Hotmail?

If you could change one thing about Hotmail what would it be?



New Email
I think hotmail is probably the best and biggest free email service provider because mircosoft is an internationally known company and because of all the years of experienced they hold.

the features i feel best for hotmail are how it is so user friendly the layout is set out very simply so things can be used as simply and effectively as possible.

if i could change one thing i would probably change their support system as you can wait anything up 2 two weeks for help with something. something such as a live support system would be very useful.