Hostname for qmail


New Email
Hi all
I am configuring a new mail server with qmail. I am reading "life with qmail", so far so good.

I am at the point of ./config Chapter, 2.4,4 Do the build

I am getting the following error.

"hard error
Sorry, I couldn't find your host's canonical name in DNS.
You will have to set up control/me yourself."

Can someone explain to me the deal with "hostname".

About the setup
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
to be used as internal mail server, for some 20 clients.
With access to external emails.

We curently use MS outlook that will go, once this setup is completed.

Thank you


EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Hi Maurice,

If you don't have DNS set up yet for the server you can use this to tell qmail how to set it's primary server name:


Replace with the FQDN of your mail server.


New Email
Thank you Popowich
I will do as you asked

But I am trying to understand all this hostname business.
I know what DNS is... I would like to understand a little better what I am doing...



EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
It's the name that will be presented in the banner if someone telnet's to port 25 of the mail server, the name that will be used in bounce messages, and possibly the name that you'll use in mail program settings and other mail server related configurations such as MX records.