Emails missing from my folders in my Yahoo email


New Email
I created folders in my email account through Yahoo. When I go to those folders the emails are not there from my laptop computer.

I can go to my Yahoo mail through my cell phone and the emails are there in the folders. I tried deleting the Yahoo account from my computer and adding it again but this did not work.

I want to be able to access those folders from my laptop computer not my cell phone. Also, I don't know if this makes a difference but I got a new computer and Windows 10 is the operating system.

I'm not computer savvy so the simplest directions would be appreciated.


New Email
Are you using your yahoo account direct on web broswer or on third party application such as Outlook, Thunderbird ??

If you are using on Web Browser , delete the cookies and history and try again sign out and sign in to your yahoo email . It will work