Email marketing : Gmail ISP


Valued Member
pls i need your help

i work for a webmarketing company we sent a lot of emails per days so to be a great agent and get evolution carrer
i should to find a way a passage to reach inbox in gmail because they had the more diffuclt configuration to reach inbox. more than hotmail or yahoo my colleagues found yahoo & hotmail so its my turn.

i sent just spam if anyone of you has a methode to reach inbox pls tell me ?

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Start by sending email only to address that want the email and will interact with it, for example, clicking a link in the email.

If you send to bad addresses, old email addresses that don't want the email and delete it, or even worse to recipients who mark it as spam, that's going to be bad for you.

What is your outgoing IP address? What is your sender score?


Valued Member
thanks for your reply
actually i work for a company our goal is to sent a maximum of emails per day (Millions emails) for the moment im just a beginner in gmail i just warm up my servs
my ip's start 62...,188.... and 88... i have a many ip's most of them are reputed i use a return path domain and a edit header that allow me to send my emails to spam and not inbox.
what i do i search for reputed domains compatible with my ip's and i try to edit a header or domain to test if i can reach inbox
i wish if you understand me

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
This sounds a lot like spam. There isn't much we can do to help you.

Without providing your exact IP addresses we can't see their reputation and sending history.

That circles back to sending email to sending good email.

It's better to send fewer emails to those that want it than blast millions of emails to those who are deleting and marking as spam.


Valued Member
i have a tens of servs such serv has a different IP like : / this Network of my best servs

so i think i need a good reputed domains but also a Header who can let me reach inbox

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Blasting email isn't going to work. Spreading bad email across multiple IP addresses won't help. There isn't a magic header that will get spam delivered to the inbox at Gmail.

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Some larger email services provide feedback loops that you can sign up for.

For example, google for phrases such as "AOL postmaster feedback loop" and "Microsoft postmaster feedback loop" to find the forms related to email service providers that you're having trouble with.

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
I think you asked me how to find out which of your senders are bad senders?

If you sign up for feedback loops that's a way to get some information about which emails leaving your systems are being reported as spam.


Valued Member
no bro
my last question was how could i find a reputation domains for my ip's senderscore & senderbase not working good enough for google