Recent content by qmail

  1. Q

    Yahoo DNS / qmail issue re cnames

    We have customers who have their email hosted with Google Apps, i.e. they get the seven Google MX records set for their domain; we serve customer dns with tinydns. In the past week several of them have reported an inability to receive email from Yahoo senders who report bounces that show...
  2. Q

    Qmail - Vpomail and Courier-Imap

    The authvchkpw module is no longer part of courier-imap / courier-authlib package. I have rewritten the authvchpw modue and it is already part of vpopmail release 5.4.27 onwards. You can use it after usual ./configure and make. copy the authvchkpw module to the courier-imap's authlib...
  3. Q

    Qmail - Vpomail and Courier-Imap

    i know that's it's not the mailing list of vpopmail and courier-imap, but i thinks that a lot of your server have a imapd daemon. I see that the latest courier-authlib don't support vpopmail ... if you can say me what do you use on your qmail/vpomail server for a imapd access ;=) cyrus...