Windows Live Mail 2011 inbox By Sender


New Email
I have a issue with WLM 2011.

I used to love WLM 2009. In the new version i can only sort the new mail in inbox according to the suject (i.e you see the subject in bigger letters not the sender, sender was seen in bigger font in WLM 2009) I want the old inbox so that i can see the sender in the 2-line inbox not the sebject.its confusing as most people who send me emails dont put a subject. so i want the inbox to look like WLM 2009 (2-line display and senders name is shown and subject is in the scound line)

Please help !!!

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member

It sounds like you just need to update your column preferences.

  • Right click in the empty space to the right of your existing column headers and select columns :
  • Check the box for From and then click OK :

Did this information solve the problem for you?

to Email Questions!


New Email

yes but is thee a way to use two-line view with the sender as the top line? in the inbox? ( as was the case in WLM 2009)

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
I think I found the configuration option that you are looking for.

Go to View -> Message List -> Two Line View :

Is this the view that looks like your WLM 2009 setup?

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
No, I can sort the two lines by sender but the subject remains the first line.

I don't see a way to change the behavior and get the sender as the first of the two lines.


New Email

How does one display column headings ? We don't have headings displayed so right clicking on grey bar to right is not an option .

Thanks for your help
