There appears to be a problem loading the email

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
While trying to read a new email with the new Yahoo Mail Beta I received the error :

There appears to be a problem loading the email <subject of the email>

Clicking the retry link did not fix the problem.

Clicking to other folders and back to my inbox did not fix the problem.

Signing out of Yahoo and logging back in fixed the problem with opening that email.


Valued Member
My test messages were, indeed, taking a long time to load and eventually did, but I never got an error message. ???

I guess that's why they call it beta. I know you don't, but other people (referring to myself) usually forget that a beta is almost expected to have bugs. So many complaints -- or at least they seem like complaints, not 'bug reports' -- at the Yahoo feedback site, etc.

Thanks for the warning, though, about this email loading situation !