
EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Checking the XenForo community is seems like that add-on creates more problems than it solves:

Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

Is there something Tapatalk does that's missing from your current mobile experience on Email Questions?

If they really do extract users email addresses from the forum db so they can "market" to them then Tapatalk is something I won't install.
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Valued Member
Is there something Tapatalk does that's missing from your current mobile experience on Email Questions?
Shame, shame. Didn't know that there was a mobile version. Never tried it. I'm used to use Tapatalk to read forums on my smartphone.

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Yeah one of the nice things about XenForo is that it's mobile friendly out of the box!

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
I received some private feedback. I think you're already convinced but I'd still like the record the information here in case anyone else asks. I'll summarize as pros and cons.

  • Push notifications for Tapatalk users
  • Might gain more members who only use Tapatalk for visiting forums
  • Past mistakes including hijacking attachments (storing on their servers instead of the forum)
  • "Spam" I'm seeing so many reports I can't get it straight. My best guess is they're injecting their own ads all over forum pages to Tapatalk users.
They want to make money too. It probably comes at the cost of user experience. There are trust issues with what they can do with forum content.
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