screen moved


New Email
When I first log into Hotmail the screen shows up about 1" to the right cutting off that end of screen but when I click send message the compose screen is centered. PLS HELP as this has been going on for at least a week and I have tried everything but can't fix it. THX.


New Email
Thanks for your reply Popowitch; I did not have other browsers so I installed them and it was the same problem as with the ie11. I was completely lost so I just continued to try whatever I could. I.D.K. how I fumbled into this but this is what worked for me and it is now O.K. I right clicked on desktop screen and went to screen resolution. I then went through all positions Portrait and Landscape flipped and otherwise and applied them all one at a time. I ended up on Landscape, where it was originally set. It all migrated back to the center where I wanted it. I guess sometimes if we bumble enough we'll walk right into it. THX, Again, markfa.