EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member

mbxIMAPsync is used to synchronize the contents of a Unix mailfiles with an IMAP mailbox. The user supplies the location & name of the Unix mailbox (eg /var/mail/rfs) and the hostname, username, & password of the IMAP account along with the name of the IMAP mailbox. For example:

./mbxIMAPsync.pl -f /var/mail/rfs -i imapsrv/rfs/mypass -m INBOX

mbxIMAPsync compares the messages in the mailfile with those in the IMAP mailbox by Message-Id and adds the ones in the mailfile which are not in the IMAP mailbox. Then it looks for messages in the IMAP mailbox which are not in the mailfile and removes them from the IMAP mailbox.

If you have a question about using this script please reply.

If you would like to download the script please see How to get the IMAP Tools.