How to create HIPAA compliant email and secure web forms

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Is your business required to send HIPAA compliant emails and use secure web forms?

The HIPAA compliant email and secure form from LuxSci will meet your requirements.

This solution guarantees end of end encryption of your email, meets the requirements of HIPAA technical safeguard rules, and allows your to advertise HIPAA compliance on your email, forms, and web sites!

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Update: LuxSci has lowered their pricing on HIPAA email services, web hosting, and Secure Web Forms.

Many healthcare offices are looking to transition from paper workflows to electronic solutions. Growing concern over being compliant with HIPAA in email & ePHI collection online (website intake forms, referral forms, etc) is driving the need for HIPAA compliant solutions.

Basic web hosting is now included for free with all LuxSci accounts!

LuxSci web hosting services, in conjunction with a HIPAA compliant account, provide a HIPAA compliant infrastructure where you can have a HIPAA compliant web site.