How do I move a sub folder to the main folder?

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
To make a subfolder, right click on an existing folder and then click "New subfolder" in the menu that appears

Next, type in the name of the subfolder and hit enter.


EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
How can I move a sub folder to the main folder?

To move the contents of a folder or subfolder:
  • Navigate to the folder with the email you want to move
  • Click the check box to select all email in the folder
  • Use the Move menu to select the destination folder

Rod Warrix

New Email
To move a sub-folder to main you have to bring the folder all the way to the top above the inbox folder. It'll say move folder to base (main) then it will be a main folder. I have like 27 folders so I had to drag it to many folders to get to the top. Scrolling up each time to get higher in the folder list until I could see the inbox folder then right above it dropped it and it became a main folder again. Hope this helps!