Entourage Error 5552

I have a Mac w/Entourage. When I send an email with a Quicktime attachment, it gives me the error 5552 with the message that my email box is full. I have cleaned out every folder and emptied the trash, but still can't email these attachments. Please help. I was sending to only one person and would appreciate any info you can get for me. My provider is Earthlink.
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EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member

Is it possible that the attachment you are sending is too big (over the size limit) that is set by your e-mail provider? It also seems that you can receive this error if you are sending the e-mail to too many people at the same time.

Who is your e-mail provider? I may be able to look up the limits online, otherwise if you give them a call and ask them for the maximum amount of people you can send an e-mail to at the same time, and also what the maximum size of an e-mail is, you should be able to quickly figure out how to get around the problem.

Some alternatives to sending a large e-mail attachment are to compress the quicktime file into a zip file, or to post it on a web page and send people the link where they can download the quicktime file from your web site.
