Barracuda BRBL BBL Blacklist

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member

Did one or more of your IP addresses get blacklisted on the Barracuda BBL?

  • The email server at this IP address contains a virus and has been sending out spam
  • The email server at this IP address may be configured incorrectly
  • The PC at this IP address may be infected with a virus or botnet software program
  • An individual in the organization at this IP address may have a PC infected with a virus or botnet program
  • This IP address may be a dynamic IP address which was previously utilized by a known spammer
  • The marketing department of a company at this IP address may be sending out bulk emails that do not comply with the CAN-SPAM Act
  • This IP address may have a insecure wireless network attached to it which could allow unknown users to use it's network connection to send out bulk email
  • In some rare cases, your recipients' Barracuda Spam Firewall may be misconfigured
Once you have identified and corrected the problem you can submit a delisting request here - BRBL Delisting Request Form