554 5.7.1 This message has been blocked because ASE reports it as spam

Ryan N.

New Email
I keep getting this error when I'm sending email "554 5.7.1 This message has been blocked because ASE reports it as spam". What can I do to fix it so I can send email again?

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member
Can you please post the complete bounce message? It appears to be related to the old Postini service. It's not clear if Google still uses it.

Doing a little more digging it might also be seen if the people you are trying to email have a Fortinet doing some of their spam filtering.

It would still be good to see the complete error message including the server names involved.

That will help me figure out if there is something wrong with the server you use to send email, such as a reputation problem from too much spam being sent, or something the recipients need to do such as whitelist your email address or sending IP address.

Email Help

Valued Member
Try contacting the recipient by phone or alternate email address. They may have a FortiGate firewall that is blocking your IP address.