Recent content by Zauny

  1. Z

    wrong time on emails

    It's only three users I have this issue with. The problem is that one of my executives is making a fuss about this. So Whiles I can fix these three workstations and report the issue resolved should it occur again with other workstations it will be an even greater issue.
  2. Z

    wrong time on emails

    Hi Popowich, It is the users outside my domain I have an issues with. I was hoping for a Postfix solutions but it seems I will have to go with the workaround...
  3. Z

    wrong time on emails

    The time on few of my users workstations is wrong, hence their emails are received with future time or appears to be an old email(because the date is in the past). How can I have my mail server stamp these emails with the correct time (local time). I've tried the suggestion at Mahmoud Ibrahim...
  4. Z

    Postfix autoresponder

    I was getting "Unauthenticated attempt to set autoresponse message for <> because I was using an unauthenticated SMTP connection and to configure an autoresponse message via email the autoresponse configuration assume that SMTP authentication via SASL has already been installed...
  5. Z

    Squirrelmail pluggins not showing up under options after installation

    I added the plugins manually in the config/config.php $plugins[0] = 'newplugin'; $plugins[1] = 'newplugin2'; $plugins[2] = 'newplugin3'; not really user why they weren't added when I used the for squirrelmail configuration...
  6. Z

    Squirrelmail pluggins not showing up under options after installation

    I have recently installed Squirrelmail and pluggins I have added aren't showing up under options. Everything else works fine but the pluggins. Any ideas on how I can solve this would be greatly appreciated...
  7. Z

    Postfix autoresponder

    Recently configured autoresponse using the tutorial <> however I and getting the error "Unauthenticated attempt to set autoresponse message for <>. Any ideas on how to resolve this is greatly...
  8. Z

    mail server not listening on port 993 and 995

    I got the following... root@mail:~# openssl s_client -connect localhost:995 CONNECTED(00000003) write:errno=104 root@mail:~#
  9. Z

    mail server not listening on port 993 and 995

    You're right the error was in my client setting for IMAP, I got IMAP to authenticate using TLS for both incoming and outgoing emails. However I amstill having trouble with POP3 configuration when I tell my client to use SSL encryption to connect to the server (port 995). Regular POP3 (port 110)...
  10. Z

    mail server not listening on port 993 and 995

    Rick, Popwick, sorry about the delay in responding but was on another project. when I got the "Courier-IMAP ready" prompt and type in: 1 login <myusername> <mypassword> I got... 1 OK LOGIN Ok.
  11. Z

    mail server not listening on port 993 and 995

    @popowich no, I do not have a load balancer in front of the server...
  12. Z

    mail server not listening on port 993 and 995

    but shouldn't I see the port open when I do a netstat -nat ...? tcp 0 0* LISTEN but all I am seeing is tcp6 0 0 :::995 :::* LISTEN how can I resolve this...
  13. Z

    mail server not listening on port 993 and 995

    What need to do is to allow user to connect via SSL/TLS...
  14. Z

    mail server not listening on port 993 and 995

  15. Z

    mail server not listening on port 993 and 995

    also they don't show up in netstat root@mail:~# netstat -nat |grep 993 tcp6 0 0 :::993 :::* LISTEN root@mail:~# netstat -nat |grep 995 tcp6 0 0 :::995 :::* LISTEN root@mail:~#