Zimbra - ERROR: Installation can not proceeed. Please fix your /etc/hosts file

EQ Admin

EQ Forum Admin
Staff member

When installing Zimbra are you getting the following error?

ERROR: Installation can not proceeed. Please fix your /etc/hosts file

The default /etc/hosts file on many Linux distributions has a single line: localhost.localdomain localhost

Fix the order of the first line to meet the Zimbra requirements, and also add a second line with the public DNS and hostname of your server, for example: localhost.localdomain localhost zimbra.emailquestions.com zimbra

Also, update your HOSTNAME in /etc/sysconfig/network to match what's in /etc/hosts

Depending on your distribution you may need to also run the hostname command or reboot your server.

After making the above changes you should be able to proceed with your Zimbra installation.