My Yahoo Email presentation suddenly went to a stacked vertical presentation


New Email
I liked the way it was before it suddenly changed without my intended input (email list on left, with selected viewed content on the right side), but I don't see a way to switch the presentation.

Now, only a few emails are listed on the top, and a portion of the selected email is shown below that. I can adjust the horizontal division line, but not very much.

I'm sure it's easy to fix, but I don't see how to do it...



New Email

Yes, I looked at that before, but glossed over it since I had NOT made any changes there previously, or ever.

I played w/ it last night, and changing to "Preview on he Right" did NOTHING, but thankfully selecting "NONE" got me what I wanted.

I guess somehow the setting changed regardless of my never having visited that page, or changing anything.
