Help - Husband receiving dating site emails


New Email
My husband is receiving emails in his junk folder from a dating/porn website called Hot Adults Dating. He has received multiple emails asking for him to confirm his subscription. Also multiple emails saying to confirm the cancellation of the subscription.

Another email is concerning me because it’s one that says that his “subscription to their dating list has been confirmed. For your records here is the information that you submitted to us”. Could this be a scam or does this actually mean that he subscribed to this site?? (This message is also in his junk folder)

Email Help

Valued Member
Every one gets that spam. It can't be stopped. It belongs in the spam folder. Why are you digging through his email looking to start a fight? What's in YOUR spam folder?

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postmaster & search
Hi Ash,

It's possible it's a scam, it's possible it was real. Did the confirmation email include specific information such as last 4 digits of credit card number?

There is a related and more in depth discussion on this topic if you'd like to discuss with other members:



New Email
Sometimes scammers send such letters so that the user himself went to this site and registered, you have nothing to worry about.