Error code 1 when login in yahoo


New Email
I succed to login to yahoo (I can modify my profile) but I cannot see my emails, getting error code 1.

I am using my account for business and it's critical that I could get access to it.

I am ready to pay to update my account if needed.

Please help./ thank you in advance


New Email
Thank you for the link.

I already tried everything specified there but no luck.

Do you have any other ideas about how could I avoid the code 1 error and see my messages?

I can sometime access my messages from my smart phone but not working all the time. I signed up for pop email for Outlook but not working yet.


New Email
I could login but I cannot access the mail. I got the message:

Error encountered processing your last request!
We have encountered a problem processing your last request!
Refreshing the page may fix the problem, or use the link below to return to your Inbox

The link is not working.

Do you have any other idea?

thank you!
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