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  1. K

    disable radio button in gmail forwarding

    Disable radio button in the gmail forwarding is not appearing, could you please tell me how to disable the forwarding in gmail. Thanks
  2. K

    knowing the email ids of sent message

    Let my email id is, I send emails to many people through A person Z knows my email, this is the only information known to Z. Is by any means possible to Z to know whom I sent the email or who sent me the emails. In general is it possible to Z to know my...
  3. K

    knowing the email ids of sent message

    I have sent the email from my email account to or y has sent email from his account to my account Now my question is, by any way to some other person say z (totally unrelated to x and y in all the way) to know that has sent the...
  4. K

    knowing the email ids of sent message

    If X sends message to Y through gmail, where X and Y are email ids, is it possible to some one to know X has sent the email to Y and vice versa. Thanks